'T H E F O R M' &
'C O S M O F O R M'
Are UNIQUE Meditative Movement Practices taught Globally by Accredited and Supported Teachers such as Myself.
These movements have a way of bringing the
M U L T I - D I M E N S I O N A L into the M U N D A N E.
I know these movements support me to live a life where I nurture the seeming mundane aspects of life for the multiple dimensions they open into.
Humanness opens into all the hues of infinite wonder.
The hues become a whisper of the way forwards
Towards a new path of possibilities,
Where humanness displays the hues of its true infinite nature.
Our infinite natures reveal the knowing of union, of oneness, of interconnectivity.
We can master the mystery of the beyond by remembering often with each mention of separation, segregation and Interrogation, that we are of the infinite, of the union, of the interconnected oneness.
We belong in this knowing.
