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Poetess & Seamstress
Weaving & Meditation Teacher


Lea Evergreen
Jun 1, 2024
Mountain in my Heart
At your feet I fall to my knees Dying to bow low Destined to love you To be killed softy In your still presence Your steadfast greatness...

Lea Evergreen
May 31, 2024
Surrendered Silhouette
She surges into the surrendered silhouette that once was me She knows I have entered the shivering current of listening She knows the...

Lea Evergreen
Mar 28, 2023
The Way of Waitaha
New Zealand has a hidden history that is now being revealed and revered.

Lea Evergreen
Feb 13, 2023
The Sweetest Grass Basket
Imagine it's evening and you only know this because the light in your womb room has dimmed and you begin to hear a sweet hum of sounds....

Lea Evergreen
Apr 30, 2022
Birth at Brown Lake
On the vernal shores of the Brown Lake, I as the womb mother of all creation, re-birthed my baby into the warm medicinal amber waters.

Lea Evergreen
Apr 16, 2022
Beyond Perfection and Imperfection
I am making baskets to gift to the women of Coraki. I share with you this process of deepening beyond Perfect and Imperfect

Lea Evergreen
Jan 22, 2022
Loss is the meeting of new pathways of Remembering
Today I was sharing sacred conversation with one who had suddenly just lost their beloved dog, who went to the vet for an arthritis check...

Lea Evergreen
Jan 21, 2022
Lay Me Down
This body mind and heart is going through a dark night of the soul. The only true voice beckoning me is that of mother earth. I began to...

Lea Evergreen
Dec 16, 2021
The Words that come before all Else
This Hymn called
'The Words That come before all else' is an ancient order of Protocols setting gratitude to as the highest priority.

Lea Evergreen
Nov 14, 2021
Bare Weaving Teacher Training
I share with you a full year cycle of weaving alongside 5 other women as we apprentice with the two legendary weaving women of Bare Weaving

Lea Evergreen
Oct 11, 2021
Heart Rocks
In lockdown I discovered a secret garden overgrown and tucked away. Riley and I wondered how we could find the owners and do some...

Lea Evergreen
Sep 21, 2021
5 Reasons to Connect to the Medicine of Weaving Circles
1. Weaving as Connection to Nurturing When she had her warm cup of tea in her hands Alice said that hearing my words "I'd like to make...

Lea Evergreen
Aug 29, 2021
Losing My Domestic Self
I left my shoes and went in bare foot, losing my domestic self to discover my mystery self. As we entered this forest to collect cabbage...

Lea Evergreen
Aug 29, 2021
The Mystical Weaver Knows
The threads of our timelines are woven into the fabric of our timelessness. The threads may be described with spatial orientation - over,...

Lea Evergreen
Aug 28, 2021
Can we Master all the Magic?
When I dived into (neo) Tantra, it was said the way you have sex becomes the way you are in life. When I dived into Conscious and Aware...

Lea Evergreen
Aug 28, 2021
Humanness and the Hues of Infinite Wonder
'T H E F O R M' & 'C O S M O F O R M' Are UNIQUE Meditative Movement Practices taught Globally by Accredited and Supported Teachers...

Lea Evergreen
Aug 28, 2021
Wildness Herself
Undeterred by the Lockdown's external imposition, we knew an urge from our internal source, to go and connect with our Wild Source. That,...
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